My Sakara Discount Code and Honest Review: Save 20% on Your Order

If you’re ready to nourish yourself and reclaim your time and energy, the plant-based meal delivery service, Sakara, will help you get there.

Don’t worry! My Sakara discount code is still active!

After six weekends of travel, I returned home utterly exhausted and all out of sorts. I was swollen, bloated, and cranky, and my skin wasn’t looking too great.

Usually, I’d haul myself to the grocery store and make a half-assed attempt at getting my life back in order, still feeling like I was missing something. This time around was different. This time I allowed myself to be taken care of, to turn off the stove, and to let someone do the hard work for me.

What’s new: Sakara updates in 2023

Since writing this post, Sakara has made many updates to its meal delivery service, including specialized programs to help support various areas of health and wellness, including:

You can click on each program above to learn more about what they offer and select the best one for yourself and your lifestyle. Or, you can take the Sakara quiz to find your perfect match.

Also, you can semi-customize the meals you receive if you download the Sakara app and are on their subscription program. This is a great way to get the most out of your Signature Nutrition Program.

And don’t forget; you can use my exclusive Sakara discount code to save 20% on your first order.

Also new to the Sakara family is the Metabolism Latte that you can add to your meal program. I can’t wait to try it in my next meal delivery! If you haven’t heard of the Sakara Metabolism Powder, you should check it out, especially if you hope to support and rev up your metabolism.

sakara prosperity pad thai with promo code
Prosperity Pad Thai

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After hemming and hawing (and stalking their website), I did it. I ordered a five-day program from Sakara and waited for my life to change. It did.

Insider tip: The bottom of this review contains an exclusive discount code for 20% off your first Sakara order. You’re welcome!

Something to note, this meal-delivery program is entirely plant-based. I already don’t eat much meat, so this way of eating wasn’t a super hard transition for me. For some avid meat-eaters, your experiences might differ slightly from mine, but what an excellent opportunity to see how your body thrives on a program like Sakara while saving money on your first order.

Check out the most recent Sakara menu here.

Sakara meals plated on a picnic blanket with water and mylk

Why you’ll love the Sakara meal delivery program

Aside from the obvious – convenient, healthy, organic, and delicious meals dropped at your doorstep -there are other unexpected qualities to love about living (and loving) the Sakara Life.

1. You won’t miss traditional wheat

…because you’ll enjoy eating these naturally gluten-free options!

The first thing I noticed about the plant-based meals delivered from Sakara Life was that there was no shortage of high-quality, gluten-free, complex carbohydrates. I’m talking couscous, millet, sweet potatoes, quinoa, oats, and more.

Look, I get it. Sometimes carbohydrates get a bad rap, but they’re not all created equally. In fact, they’re essential for our body.

Every body is different, and I love it when people can find a way of eating that makes their bodies run like finely-tuned machines. My body likes complex carbohydrates, and I’ve discovered I require them. I become a hungry, exhausted b*tch when I don’t have enough.

And no, I know what you’re thinking; I didn’t gain weight on Sakara. Instead, I felt nourished, and my body hummed nicely with every meal. My digestion improved, and my clothes fit better.

Related: Will You Lose Weight? The Truth on Sakara Life Weight Loss(Opens in a new browser tab)

French Onion Soup from Sakara
French onion soup, anyone?

2. Snacking is okay (and encouraged!)

This program doesn’t restrict you to the meals delivered to your door. Sakara encourages you to listen to your body and understand its cues.

If you’re hungry between meals, drink some detox tea, have a serving of fresh fruit or veggies, or try out some yummy snacks in the Clean Boutique. This is my go-to favorite for snacktime because the chocolate is just too delicious.

Also, unlike other meal programs, there are no portion control containers, and you’ll feel no shame in listening to your hunger cues.

Tuning into what your body communicates is a big perk of this program. When you’re not focusing on what to cook for your next meal, you have more time to feel how your food affects your entire system.

We’re more focused on nutrient density than counting calories and nourishing with the good instead of banishing the bad.

Sakara chocolate love muffin
A typical Sakara breakfast, the Chocolate Love Muffin

3. The food is gorgeous

…I mean, so is everything about this plant-based eating program.

Okay, call me crazy, but there is something so satisfying about opening up a box filled with perfectly labeled and meticulously packaged goodies. I’m talking about a pouch filled with palo santo, detox teas, and a guide to living the Saraka Life.

I’m talking about labeled meals – not with nutritional information – but about the highlighted superfood in each meal and the complete list of high-quality ingredients. What a breath of fresh air, seriously. If they take this much care of their packaging, I can’t even imagine the tenacity with which my food is grown and harvested.

The food is gorgeous (and delicious), and when it looks good, we take longer to enjoy it. We linger. We taste. We are thankful for every single bite.

Zen Muffin breakfast from Sakara

The real question of my Sakara review: would I order Sakara again?

It wouldn’t be a thorough Sakara review without answering this question, so let me say, hell to the yes, I would order Sakara again. Whenever I buy something I don’t need, I repeat, “Carley, do you need this random thing? You know, you could get a three-day program from Sakara instead.” Check out the three-day program here.

Some of my favorite Sakara meals have included:

  • Blue Majik mylk with granola
  • Phuket rice bowl with lemongrass curry
  • Beet burger with sprouted grain buns
  • Sakara AB&J
  • Shiitake cobb topped with cashew ranch

Order your Sakara meal program now

At the end of my Sakara five-day program, my bloating was a thing of the past, my digestion improved, and my clothes fit better in all the right places. My skin was glowing, and my dark circles started to fade (a miracle in and of itself).

More significant than the physical changes, I felt taken care of. I felt nourished, more grounded, and a hell of a lot less stressed. And for that, I am so thankful.

sakara discount code

One-day sample of the Sakara Life menu

Do I often get asked what does the Sakara Life menu look like? So, check out the below sample menu for one day on the Sakara meal program. Remember that this graphic shows examples of actual Sakara meals, but it doesn’t mean you’ll receive these meals in your specific meal delivery program. Sakara constantly rotates its menu depending on the season, so ingredients are always as fresh as possible.

Related: An Honest Look at the Best-Selling Sakara Vitamins

When you check out the Sakara menu, you’ll find that the meals are nourishing, deliciously creative, and feature seasonal ingredients.

Check out Sakara’s menu for next week here.

Don’t forget that you can save 20% on your order with my exclusive Sakara discount code at checkout. This is the best offer available right now, so act quickly if you love the look of next week’s menu!

How much does Sakara cost?

That’s a great question! You can check out the current cost of a Sakara program here. Aside from your zip code, pricing for your meal program can vary based on a few factors:

  • The number of days you choose for your meals
  • The number of meals you decide to order for each day
  • Whether or not you’re a part of their subscription plan

Save with my Sakara discount code

Sakara has generously offered an incredible deal for my readers. It’s the best discount code available right now, so take advantage. Enter the Sakara discount code exactly as it’s written below to save 20% on your entire order.

Additional Sakara Program Review: What You Should Know About the Sakara Bridal Program: A Full Review

Pregnant and curious about Sakara? Is Sakara Safe During Pregnancy and Postpartum? Answered

My review of sakara life meal delivery


  • I recently listened to a podcast with the ladies from Sakara and really loved the way they spoke about their business. They seem really amazing and I’m so happy I found your post, the food looks amazing.

  • I have fibromyalgia, and this sounds like a diet that may really help me! I liked that you said it helped the digestive system and was gluten-free. Those are two things that I need in a diet. Thank you for reviewing it!

  • Thank you for your review and your code. I’ve been contemplating a Sakara program for a while and what was holding me back was the sustainability after a 3 or 5 day meal plan program. I’ve done a bunch of research – actually Pinterest post saving – and feel more confident that I can make meals after the guided program that will keep me on a plant based lifestyle. I also used your code to buy a couple of other things to helpkeep me on this path. Thank you! My 5 Day starts the Monday after Thanksgiving and right before a 15 Day cruise with my husband to Hawaii…which should scare me with all the food that’ll be available but I believe after this 5 Day I’ll be able to stick to a healthy balance. Thanks again!!

    • Hi Cathy! I am so excited for you to experience Sakara. It’s amazing what changes you’ll begin to feel within just a few days. I hope you enjoy – the breakfasts are my favorite. xx

  • I was researching for sakara reviews and stumbled upon your blog! You’ve convinced me and I ordered with your promo code. Will be returning for your blog to read your other posts, thank you!! xox

    • I am so happy to hear that! Sakara has played a meaningful role in our team’s wellness and I hope it benefits you as well!

  • Just tried the Sakara meal delivery service with the 20% discount! I’m really impressed with the quality and flavor of the meals. Definitely worth it! Thanks for sharing the code!

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