Will You Lose Weight? The Truth on Sakara Life Weight Loss

I get so many questions about Sakara Life weight loss. Many people want to know if you’ll lose weight on Sakara, but my answer might surprise you.

I’ve been a part of the Sakara family since late 2015. Throughout the years, I’ve eaten my way through their traditional meal delivery, bridal program, and Level II Detox.

I’m a big believer in living the Sakara Life.

Will eating Sakara help me lose weight?

Throughout my journey with Sakara, I’ve gotten this same question over and over and over again.

The short answer is yes; you most likely shed excess weight and bloat with Sakara. But there is much more to living the Sakara life than weight loss alone. Keep reading to learn what I mean by that.

Sakara discount code image with Sakara meals

Detox diet delivery

The word ‘detox’ doesn’t simply mean weight loss

I would challenge this belief and say that starting a Sakara meal plan is more of a lifestyle change instead of a “detox” or “diet.” Between the nutritionist-designed menu packed with all the nutrition, your body craves and the convenience of a personal chef, Sakara is a way of life. 

Sakara is founded on the belief of food as medicine, meaning eating a Sakara diet can help to encourage healing on many levels. To get you information straight from the source, I chatted with Sakara to find out the customer-approved benefits of this lifestyle.

In addition to weight loss, Sakara clients saw:

  • Decreased bloat
  • Improved digestion
  • Clearer, more radiant skin
  • Increased energy
  • An enhanced mood
  • A general sense of wellbeing
  • Greater respect for themselves

What Sakara corporate had to say about losing weight with their program

“The Sakara Life is designed to fuel your body with what it needs when it needs it to find its balancing point effortlessly. If you have excess weight to lose to get to a healthy weight, you will lose it on the Sakara Life program.

Clients say they see the best results when enjoying the program week after week, and in response, we’ve recently launched our subscription model – find out more about this option here! It’s all about what you put into it; if you are dedicated, it will show far beyond weight loss.”

sakara weight loss testimonials

More about Sakara calories and nutrition

When you order from Sakara, the first thing you might notice is the absence of nutrition information on your meals. That’s because Sakara is genuinely focused on living a life that treats food as medicine, not something to obsess or worry over.

You can rest assured that your meals from Sakara are designed to nourish, encourage optimum digestion, and leave you feeling like your best self.

Me, I am so appreciative of this grounded approach. Yes, ordering a meal program from Sakara will help you lose weight, but it will also allow you to tune into what eating well actually feels like for your mind, body, and soul. Without worrying about restricting carbs, counting calories, or obsessing over portion size.

Sakara encourages a lifelong, healthy relationship with the food we choose to eat. Check out next week’s menu – it looks so yummy and nourishing.

Sakara healthy lifestyle products

Since Sakara is more like a true lifestyle, they’ve developed supportive and healthy products to help you on your journey, such as their Metabolism Super Powder. Whether your goal is weight loss or improving your gut’s health, chances are you’ll find something in the Clean Boutique.

I especially love the nutrient-dense bars designed for a gentle system detox. These bars allow me to care for myself between Sakara meals and programs. Plus, I can rest assured that I’m still fueling myself with that Sakara goodness.

Sakara Detox Water

Weight loss with Sakara vs. your overall wellbeing

I believe that how you feel is much more important than a number on the scale. You cannot achieve optimal wellness if you constantly obsess over what you eat. I genuinely believe that.

Sakara encourages this mindset of holistic wellness, one that touches every facet of your life. It helps you to release the need to control your food and encourages you to trust the process.

You’re worth it. Order Sakara now.

Comment below!
I’d love to hear from you.

Have you tried Sakara before?
What was the most significant non-weight-related change you felt?

PS: Remember to use my Sakara discount code for 25% off!


  • I agree 100% with the article above. y husband and I started Sakara 9 weeks ago with the 30-day Detox and loved it so much we continued with the subscription. After 3 kids followed by 2 years of Covid restrictions I was eating myself into a big funk and was about 40 pounds overweight. In truth I have not weighed myself once because what matters is how I feel, and WOW Iam starting to feel good.

    The food tastes amazing and I have zero cravings which was an issue before. Occasionally I feel a little hungry which reminds me to drink more water. I don’t get hangry like I used to. I was doing Sakara breakfast, lunch and dinner but dropped the breakfast because most of them were sweet and I don’t love sweets for breakfast.

    I have more energy, my skin looks better everyday. I am not as moody. My clothes are starting to fit a lot better (i am down a full size) and my face has thinned out a lot. I am not bloated and uncomfortable anymore! I also am enjoying cooking now and am not as intimidated because the food I receive inspires me to get creative. Note that I have been a vegetarian for 20 years BUT was not the healthy kind. I loved my cheese pizza and nachos and similar. My husband is not a vegetarian.

    Sakara is very expensive, however we used to spend a lot on eating out/ordering takeout and we wasted a lot of food that we bought with the intention of cooking. I know it is going to save me money in the long run in health bills and clothing costs because I have been buying the next size up for the last 4 years which is a lot of clothes.

    I would highly recommend.

    • Isn’t the investment so worth it?! I love that you’ve had such a positive experience incorporating it into your lifestyle. I wish you all the best on your continued journey!

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