Vanessa | Running in Triangles says: April 3, 2019 at 8:13 pm This was such an informative and fascinating post, I’m so glad I came across it! Who knew little seeds could have such a big impact? As a long time sufferer of endometriosis, I wish I had known about this natural way of balancing hormones before getting a hysterectomy. But I’m still completely intrigued by all of it and can’t wait to start doing more research. Thank you so much for the info!
Stephanie Ali-El says: July 20, 2020 at 1:06 pm Thank you so much for sharing this information. It was extremely informative and really gave me a jump start on how to start preparing for pregnancy. My husband is eager to get started and I am honestly still a bit reluctant. I suffer from fibroids, which has made regular cycles a challenge for years. Part of me feels my reluctance fo start making a family is becasue I am fearful of the challenges we may have. This article gave me so much information to help even put me in the right direction. Thanks again, so much!
Chynna Benton says: July 31, 2020 at 12:04 pm Hi Stephanie! We are so happy to hear you found this information helpful! Sending you and your husband love! XO!