Erika says: June 12, 2018 at 4:52 pm Hi I’m Erika. I have been using a copper IUD for about 3 years. I will like to start using Daysy. I was wondering if I could use both methods for the first 90 days while Daysy learns my cycles. I’m kind freaking out about getting pregnant so I want to be as safe as possible. Will the copper IUD interfere with my temperature and the reading???
CARLEY says: June 12, 2018 at 5:04 pm Hey Erika! I’ll give you my opinion as someone who had an IUD and switched to Daysy. Personally, I wouldn’t. I’d wait to start Daysy once your IUD has been removed (should you choose to get it removed) so Daysy has a chance to learn your natural cycles without interference of any kind. Keep in mind, Daysy is effective when used correctly, so just make sure to use condoms on the days you’re red or orange and follow her prompts! If you’re still concerned or curious, you can email Daysy at info(at) to ask what they’d recommend! 🙂 Hope this helps! xx
Cin says: October 8, 2018 at 3:05 am I’m a little on the fence on buying this, because it’s so darn expensive ???????? And I’ve been curious to know if I when I buy it? Should i start using it when i get my IUD removed. Because I’ve had it on for 2 years now and haven’t gotten a period at all. Should i just wait until my cycle begins?
CARLEY says: October 8, 2018 at 10:34 pm Hi! I totally get the hesitation around price. Be sure to check with your insurance company as the Daysy could be covered up to 60%! As far as when to start using it, I personally started using it as soon as my IUD was removed but note that your first “period” off of birth-control is just your withdrawal bleed so you don’t need to tell your Daysy it was a true period. According to Daysy, “The first bleeding after coming off hormonal birth control is a withdrawal bleeding and must not be entered as your period. Please make sure your first menstruation entry is on the first day of active bleeding and flow.” Hope this helps!
CARLEY says: January 31, 2019 at 6:11 pm Hi Brittany! I’ve been using Daysy since my IUD removal in February of 2018. xo – Carley
Chloe says: August 19, 2019 at 9:03 pm Does the Daysy actually tell you your BBT? Or just that you are or aren’t ovulating?
CARLEY says: August 19, 2019 at 9:10 pm Hi Chloe! Daysy will tell you your daily BBT and use her unique algorithm to predict your daily fertility status. Hope that helps!
Wendy says: October 2, 2019 at 10:55 am I really appreciate your useful and very persuasive explanation!!! When my teenage daughter was ready to become sexually active with her boyfriend, she begged me to let her go on the pill. Instead I taught her the basics of FAM and bought a fertility monitor for her. At first she was terrified by the idea of having unprotected sex and really worried about getting pregnant in high school, but websites like yours helped me to persuade her that FAM is much better birth control than condoms or the pill. Giving her an introduction to FAM before her first time with her boyfriend was also a great mother-daughter experience for us and really was what gave her the the little push she needed to get over her shyness about her body and become sexually active. She now is completely comfortable having unprotected sex with her boyfriend on her “green” days, and she promises me they are super careful with any kind of P-in-V on her “red” days. This may not work with all teens, but they are both straight-A students and really responsible, and I can tell FAM has really strengthened their relationship. You are a great role model for responsible teens!
CARLEY says: October 10, 2019 at 3:56 pm Wow – that is such a fantastic story! I love the openness you share with your daughter, and what you taught her is so invaluable. Thank you for your kind words, and I’m glad that FAM and fertility monitoring is working out! xo – Carley
Wendy says: October 12, 2019 at 2:42 pm Thanks, Carley. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to help your daughter develop a healthy life plan for her sexuality and fertility while she still has the support and guidance of living with mom at home. So many girls stumble into sex confused and uncertain and conflicted. It was really important to me that my daughter should have a more positive experience. Once she began dating her boyfriend, I didn’t wait for her to come to me about sex — I raised the topic with her first. At first she insisted she was too young to begin having sex and that she “never” wanted to have children. I insisted that she start using Daysy and learning FAM anyway, and that was the pathway for me to persuade her to become sexually active and not to use condoms or the pill. It took several months of discussions with her, but when she finally had her first sexual experience with her boyfriend, it was planned, it was safe, it was with my encouragement (the rest of our family went out for pizza and a movie that night, so her first time could be in her bedroom), and it was without any barrier or hormonal contraception. Practicing responsible FAM has really formed a strong bond between my daughter and her boyfriend, and I can see that she is increasingly accepting of her fertility as the next step in expressing their intimacy. As you say, Daysy gives my daughter “full control over whether or not you’d like to try for a baby within a moments notice.” His mom and I have discussed their relationship and are ready and supportive for them to take that next step. My daughter is in her senior year of high school now, and he is a freshman in the local college, and she and I have discussed several times the special magic of “red day” sex both physically because of her heightened responsiveness when she is fertile and emotionally as a true expression of both partners being open to the possibility of making a baby together. Educating her that most women don’t get pregnant the first time they “try” to get pregnant and that almost all women need at least a few months to get pregnant has definitely increased her receptiveness to being intimate with her boyfriend on her “red” days. I am really looking forward to when they begin using FAM for TTC instead of TTA.
Chynna Benton says: November 11, 2019 at 4:09 pm Wendy, That is wonderful! I completely agree with you that sexual health education is extremely important, especially for young people. I really appreciate you sharing your experience. XO
Katinka says: November 6, 2019 at 7:15 pm Hello and thank you for your support. My question is : You can use this only if you have iphone 7 and above? I have samsung , is that mean I can not use Daysy because there are no application for it? Thank you!
Chynna Benton says: November 11, 2019 at 3:56 pm Hi Katinka! Thank you so much for asking. This is a great question! There is an app on the Google Play Store called “DaysyView”, so I believe you should be able to use Daysy with your Samsung phone. 🙂 XO
Libby says: December 13, 2022 at 1:59 am Helloo, I’ve been birth control for nearly 10 years, the pill, 3 implants and an iud which only lasted me 7 months! My iud was embedded into a muscle, therefore I had to have surgery to have it removed, it was working so well but I’m a little worried to have it again! I came across daysy online and did some research, your website has helped me a lot, I’m 99% sure I want to try it! My partner is super supportive and we’re both not ready to have children just yet! I just have a few questions if you could answer then that would be great! Would you recommend I wait for a period before I start using daysy since coming off the iud? Does the daysy tell you when you’re ovulating? If I have unprotected sex 5 days before I ovulate will I know I’m safe not to get pregnant? Thanks so much!
chynna says: December 22, 2022 at 1:01 pm Hi Libby, Sorry to hear about your struggles! As Daysy is only a temperature monitor, you can feel free to start using it any time! For the question about fertility, nothing is 100% but the more you use Daysy the more accurate it will be to judge when there is risk.