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Feeling overwhelmed is often a natural part of life. Often, overwhelm can strike and leave us feeling all sorts of horrible before we even recognize what’s happening. Living in a chronically overwhelmed state is exhausting, draining, and doesn’t empower the happiest version of yourself. This week’s episode will provide you with concrete tools to recognize feelings of overwhelm and help you move through it in a responsible way. Also, I touch on why so many of us have trouble asking for help. Are you one of those people?
The importance of asking for help | 2:04
Notice the overwhelm you’re feeling | 6:45
Analyze what’s going on | 11:15
Ask yourself where you need support | 12:45
Work to actively overcome overwhelm | 15:32
Listen: Fix It or Feel It: Encouraging Healthy Communication in Relationships
Listen: Tips for Effective Communication as a People-Pleaser
Blog: How to Communicate Your Emotional Needs
Book: Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist (I cannot recommend this book enough!)
Listen: The Secrets to Finally Overcoming Perfectionism
Blog: How to Overcome Perfectionism and Love Yourself
With this six-week course, you will become a happier and more supportive partner, daughter, sister, wife, and friend. More importantly, you will learn to take better care of yourself while doing it.
You’ll stop giving too much and become more assertive.
I will help you to become the happiest, most grounded recovering people-pleaser by getting you back in touch with who you are and what you value. Together, we will poke holes in the areas of your life that are currently violating your boundaries and causing you to feel drained and exhausted.
You will discover your loving No and, in return, create more time to enjoy what you love. You will learn to speak an empowered Yes – one that finally feels exciting to say, instead of another task on your to-do list.
A payment plan is available!
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