Diana Garard says: September 21, 2022 at 12:19 am This is not an over reaction, but I have literally had one person make me physically sick. I could not see it until someone said to me she is toxic for you. I thought what do you mean? I couldn’t understand how one person could do that to you. I was going down low energy and my medical doctor not wanting to get involved with this topic told me I needed to avoid this person at all cost. I still do not know how to handle this. How do you tell someone I can’t be with you. And now I feel like anyone I come into contact with drop my energy level I feel so vulnerable to everyone. Please if there is anything you can do to help me I would appreciate it. Diana
chynna says: September 30, 2022 at 4:39 pm Sorry to hear that. Practicing all 8 of these tips will be helpful to start you on this journey away from this negativity.
Kitty says: December 27, 2023 at 12:38 am Diana, Sometimes it gets to be a very impossible situation since the energy vampire doesn’t even realize they are sucking the life out of people. I am dealing with it right now and I have decided to just tell the person the truth and let the chips fall where they may. If the person is toxic to you, it most likely will not change and you will use your good energy trying to block them and just frustrate yourself, which is more negativity on you. The truth will not be taken well but the toxic person will then go away from you. Kitty