How to Create a Peaceful + Cozy Home Environment

For those who battle stress every day, here are some ideas to help make your home a calm place to relax and unwind.

After a long day, there’s nothing better than a peaceful home, one that feels tranquil and welcoming – like you want to kick off your shoes and cozy up on the couch (my favorite hobby) and leave the day behind.

Believe it or not, creating a relaxing environment is such a powerful form of self-care, one that you feel the benefits of almost immediately by just simply being in a space.

Don’t believe me? Just ask the Danes and their practice of Hygge – simply acknowledging a special feeling or moment that is charming, cozy, and special. There’s no surprise they’re some of the happiest people in the world, they have quite the self-care game!

peaceful home

The benefits of a peaceful home

Are you ready to create your relaxing environment? Check out some of the benefits of living in a calmer, more tranquil home.

  • Improved mood and positive energy
  • Less stress and more peace
  • Better focus and less distraction
  • Relaxed mind, body, and soul
  • Deeper, more restorative sleep
  • More harmony with those whom you share your space
  • Invites more flow and ease into your life
  • Increased joy and happiness

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Easy tips for creating a peaceful home

What’s beautiful about this practice is that it doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money, or any at all. 

As with most self-care, creating a calming home environment requires the acknowledgment of how you desire to feel when all is said and done.

If you’re constantly feeling stressed, you’re probably craving a space that feels easy and approachable. Do you want to feel more joy? Focusing on spaces that are lighter and airier might do the trick.

Whatever you desire, I encourage taking a few moments to think about how you want to feel when you’re in your space, then implement the tips below that support your vision.

himalayan salt candles for a peaceful home

Start by creating a supportive scent

Having your home smell on-point is such a powerful tool to create the calming environment you’ve been craving without all of the toxic chemicals found in most candles.

Using essential oils and my diffuser, I can set whatever mood I need within a matter of minutes. I’ve listed some of my favorite diffuser recipes below to get you started!

Rise and Shine

4 drops peppermint

4 drops wild orange

1 drop rosemary

Squeaky Clean

3 drops lemon

2 drops rosemary

1 drop melaleuca

Time to Unwind

3 drops lavender

2 drops bergamot

1 drop lemon

Welcome in the positive vibes

It’s essential to usher in those high-vibe feelings, and sometimes that means getting rid of things that carry a low vibration.

My favorite way to make your home a sanctuary of positive energy is to use palo santo (like this!) to cleanse away the negative energy within the space. I turn to my palo santo after a heated conversation, when house guests depart, or as the new week begins.

Other things to ditch: chipped and broken dishes, old mail, unwanted clothing, or anything that doesn’t spark joy.

Living plants are important

A quick way to improve the mood of your home is to incorporate some beautiful foliage, ideally in each room of your house. Adding in freshly-cut flowers, succulents, and other plants can not only add visual interest, but they help to welcome renewed energy into your space. It’s like everything is instantly cozier!

I get it, sometimes keeping plants alive isn’t always easy, so if you have a black thumb like me, check out Growing Plants Indoors: A Beginner’s Guide, it’s filled with plants that you probably won’t kill if you forget to water them regularly.

foilage and plants in vase

Let in the natural light

Opening up the blinds or pulling back the curtains is a completely free way of bringing more peace and tranquility into your home. Turn off the artificial light and let all that gorgeous natural light shine!

While you’re at it, if it’s nice outside, open up the windows and let the fresh air sweep through your home. It’s incredible what some crisp air and sunlight can do for the energy of a room.

More tips to create your sanctuary

  • Have a basket of cozy blankets near your couch to snuggle with at night
  • Invest in quality bedding and make your bed every morning
  • Organize your space to best suit your needs, adjust as needed
  • Wipe down the counters morning and night with a non-toxic spray
  • Stock a drawer with a variety of tea, nicely organized of course
  • Limit the use of electronics and keep them contained to one room
  • Always have your favorite sweet treat on hand
plants peaceful home

My thoughts on a peaceful home: the older I get, the more I realize that I don’t want to be around negative people, drama, toxic energy, or stress. I want to be cozy on the couch with a glass of wine, noshing on good food, surrounded by people filled with light.

Remember, creating a beautiful and peaceful space within your home, one that makes you feel good, is a powerful way to care for yourself and the ones you love.

If you were inspired by the tips listed above, I’d love to hear from you! Comment below on how you welcomed more tranquility and peace into your home.

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