My DayTwo Review and Promo Code

Here’s the thing: we are all unique and our bodies not only require different food, but we also break it down in a personalized way. Using machine learning, DayTwo helped me to uncover how food affects my blood sugar levels, and, in turn, my overall health.

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Why DayTwo and microbiome testing?

When I first learned about DayTwo, my immediate question was why do I need to test my microbiome with DayTwo? Also, what the heck is a microbiome? According to DayTwo, your microbiome is the collection of all microbes that exist in your digestive tract and help you digest food.

Like I mentioned above, not everyone digests food the same. For example, some people can handle dairy well, and others are adversely affected by consuming milk-based products.

The food we choose to eat has a direct impact on our blood sugar levels and, you guessed it, the same food affects everyone’s blood sugar differently! It’s essential to know how food affects your blood sugar levels to help balance energy (goodbye, afternoon slump!), manage excessive hunger, and more. If you are someone with Type II diabetes, a test like DayTwo could be a game-changer for you!

According to DayTwo, the microbiome test itself is described as full shotgun sequencing – the most accurate and thorough form of DNA sequencing today. It is used primarily by researchers and scientists who require absolute precision and accuracy – and uses machine learning, artificial intelligence, and a health questionnaire to determine your extremely personalized results.

When it comes to the actual testing technology licensed by DayTwo, according to a recent study, the investigation followed blood glucose responses in 800 subjects, measuring blood sugar responses to almost 50,000 meals.

The investigators then developed software to predict blood glucose responses to meals based on gut microbiota and other parameters.

Next, 26 subjects were divided into two groups. 12 subjects ate diets based on the software’s recommendations; 10 out of 12 had improved outcomes. 14 subjects ate diets based on expert dietitian’s recommendation; 8 out of 14 had improved outcomes.

What they found was that the machine learning model on the first 800 people was able to predict for the next subjects how they would respond to food, on average 5x more accurately than traditional carb or calorie counting. 

daytwo review and promo code

How does DayTwo work?

What’s interesting about the DayTwo microbiome testing process is that all that is required is an at-home stool test and a simple questionnaire health form in the App. No needles required!

For me, the at-home stool test wasn’t a huge deal because I’ve had to do something similar for a parasite diagnosis, but for someone brand-new to the idea of shoveling poo samples, the process could be eye-opening.

After I attached the handy poo-catching hammock to the toilet, I did my business (taking careful note not to get urine on the sample to be collected) and then took a tiny sample scoop and placed it in the top of the test tube and sealed it as per the instructions. From there, shake together wholly, place the container in the provided bag, seal, and send!

Sure, getting up close and personal with your waste isn’t the most glamorous, but I believe that a few moments of discomfort is worth the long-term benefits of health.

When it came to the in-app health questionnaire, the questions were very straightforward, and I was able to complete the process in under ten minutes.

In general, DayTwo works by showing you what foods are best to maintain stable blood sugar levels. It’s the large spikes – and subsequent dips – in blood sugar that can cause your body to work harder to stabilize it, making you more hungry, tired or both in the process.

From what I’ve gathered, testing with DayTwo is a reliable option for Type II Diabetics or those who are looking to stabilize their blood sugar to support a healthy, informed lifestyle. In fact, according to DayTwo, they’ve seen significant weight loss with users – up to twelve pounds in six months with simple food adjustments alone.

daytwo science of microbiome and food

What I liked about the test

The test itself is relatively straight forward, and there is no finger-pricking required! Once you’ve collected your stool sample on the small spoon and placed it in the tube, all you have to do is shake, seal, and send.

Also, I loved the complimentary one-on-one consultation with a DayTwo dietitian. Not only did she walk me through my results, but she also showed me how to build meals to support healthy blood sugar levels.

Not to mention, she pointed out that the DayTwo app has thousands of recipes from places like Epicurious, Allrecipes, Food Network, and more. These recipes are easily customizable – you can add or remove ingredients – and your number will adjust accordingly. How cool is that?

What I disliked about the test

I mean, let’s be honest: dealing with your poop isn’t the most fun but it’s doable, and the lifelong payoff is worth a few moments of discomfort.

Also, I do wish I had a bit more insight into the actual bacteria and organisms that are inside of my unique microbiome, but perhaps that’s just the nerd in me!

daytwo review and testing process

My personal DayTwo results

I wasn’t sure what to expect with my DayTwo results, but what I received was easy-to-navigate and practical information.

Initially, I was confused by the lack of specific information around the actual bacteria found in my gut. I was expecting to learn about the nitty-gritty details of my microbiome but didn’t receive that information. Then I realized why.

My microbiome is very complicated, and to benefit from the test I didn’t really need to know the details of it. The DayTwo algorithm handles the complexity and informs me of the foods that stabilize my blood sugar best as well as which one’s do not. I also learned the actual results of my microbiome and specific bacteria can be found in the desktop app only, not on the mobile app.

In the app I was presented with much easier to digest data (no pun intended – ha!) and gave me concrete steps to start improving my overall health in that immediate moment. With my DayTwo results, I received a unique insight into individual foods and how they would affect my blood sugar levels when consumed.

It felt like every food imaginable was ranked on a scale from 1-10 based off of how that specific food would impact my blood sugar. What was really interesting to see was how different food combinations could positively increase my “number” and make my meal more blood sugar-friendly.

Like I mentioned above, the DayTwo app is chock-full of recipes that are easily personalized to help improve your score within the app. It’s been so convenient to open the app, check the number for my upcoming snack or meal, and add or remove ingredients to make sure I’m doing the best I can to support my blood sugar levels.

What surprised

As someone who has studied nutrition, I was shocked to discover that blueberries fell on my bottom five list (see below). Blueberries aren’t the lowest sugar fruit, but they’re certainly not the highest.

After chatting with a DayTwo dietitian (a complimentary service with all DayTwo purchases) she pointed out two things:

  1. Serving size matters! The “lower” foods on your list can increase up the scale by merely eating a smaller portion
  2. Adding in healthy fat makes a difference (like my favorite Coyo coconut yogurt) can dramatically up the blood-sugar friendliness of food that falls lower on the scale
DayTwo food ranking app
Adding blueberries to my diary
DayTwo app of blueberries
Fresh blueberries score 1.4
daytwo app editing meal
Healthy fats increased my score to 8.2

My food recommendations

When you receive your results from DayTwo, you’ll instantly see that the app contains food recommendations scored on a scale from 1-10. The higher the number, the more stabilizing of an impact on your blood sugar the food will have.

The results are broken down into the following categories: fruits, vegetables, dairy/dairy substitutes, bread/cereals/rice/pasta, meat/fish/eggs, legumes/tofu/nuts, snacks/sweets, and beverages.

Again, DayTwo bases food recommendations on how these foods will potentially affect your blood sugar levels. It doesn’t take into account any sensitivities or allergies you may have.

My top five foods

  1. Peanut butter – 9.8
  2. Dry roasted macadamia nuts – 9.8
  3. Sunflower seeds – 9.7
  4. Unsweetened coconut – 9.6
  5. Baked cod – 9.6

My bottom five foods

  1. White grapefruit – 1.2
  2. Bread roll – 1.3
  3. Tangerine – 1.3
  4. Pineapple – 1.4
  5. Blueberries – 1.4

DayTwo and practicing self-care

I am a firm believer that caring for your overall physical health and wellness is an important part of a healthy physical self-care practice. By better understanding your bodies own unique needs and requirements, the more effectively you can care for yourself and others.

DayTwo can empower you to discover the food that fuels you and nourishes you to become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

How much is DayTwo?

The price of the DayTwo testing kit is $499 and includes a high-tech testing processing using machine learning, detailed food results, and a one-on-one dietitian consultation.

If you want to purchase DayTwo and save a few extra dollars, keep scrolling to learn how you can save 30% with my unique DayTwo discount code.

Use my DayTwo Promo Code

Save 30% on your DayTwo order using my exclusive DayTwo promo code:


Enter the code at checkout, and you’ll be one step closer to understanding your gut microbiome and what foods support you best!


Disclosure: I received a DayTwo testing kit in exchange for this review. The opinions within this post are completely my own and are in no way influenced by my affiliation with DayTwo.


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