How to Become an IIN Health Coach (Plus a Discount Code!)

When I faced corporate burnout, I knew I needed to change my lifestyle. I didn’t know where to begin. Then, I found IIN, and everything changed.

Psst! Are you thinking about enrolling at IIN? You can jumpstart your investment and use code CARLEYSCHWEET to save up to 45% on tuition costs.
Bet on yourself this year, my friend!

Becoming an IIN health coach was never on my radar. Working in the corporate fashion industry in NYC, my goal was always to get promoted and continue working as hard as I could. But for what?

I quickly found myself burning out, underpaid, and so chronically inflamed I hardly felt like myself. I knew something needed to change. On my self-improvement mission, I started working out, drinking less, understanding who I was, and choosing food that made me feel good.

One night, while scrolling through Google, I came across the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Health Coach Training Program and was immediately hooked. I canceled my plans for that evening and dove into any information I could get. The next day, in the back of a taxi cab, I called the admissions office to enroll.

Over the next few months, I worked my full-time corporate job and attended the IIN HCTP (health coach training program) at night and on weekends. I even paid off my tuition with coaching clients when I quit my corporate job to pursue coaching full-time.

Today, I am a two-time published self-care author (thanks to IIN’s Write Your Dream Book program) and founder of Hello Postpartum, a website dedicated to improving the lives of new mothers worldwide. However, I wouldn’t be here without becoming an IIN health coach. I’ve also made life-long friendships through the program and Alumni community, which is priceless if you ask me. Enroll today.

Carley Schweet IIN Health coach

What you’ll learn by becoming an IIN Health Coach

When you enroll at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, you’ll immerse yourself in a comprehensive, holistic, and integrative curriculum that covers over 100 diverse dietary and lifestyle theories from leaders worldwide.

Everything is online via the Classroom app, so you can study and learn at your own pace when your schedule allows throughout the program (which ranges from six months to a year).

You’ll learn more about topics like:

  • Bio-individuality (my favorite!)
  • Emotional eating
  • “Crowding out”
  • Thyroid health
  • The role of organic foods
  • Hormone balance
  • Government policies
  • Mindful eating

…and so much more!

Personally, IIN is what helped me unlock what was behind my extreme sugar addiction and understand why I had the relationship with food that I did. Turns out, being a people-pleaser isn’t the best way to live your life.

Becoming an IIN health coach helped me understand the connections between food and how we live, and then I went on to do the same for others.

Are there any prerequisites to enrolling?

There is only one! To become an IIN Health Coach, you must have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent, which makes this program much more accessible and realistic for those wanting to pursue this path.

I had no experience or formal training in nutrition, and finding IIN felt like the right path forward to gain a solid nutrition base (something I still use to this day in my daily life!) and an understanding of a comprehensive, holistic approach to eating and living.

I knew that food could change my life, and I was ready to help others uncover that. Now, it might be your turn!

Use code CARLEYSCHWEET to save up to 45% on your IIN enrollment. Are you ready to take the leap and pursue what’s in your heart?

Infographic of the benefits of becoming an IIN Health Coach

What else can I tell you about becoming an IIN Health coach?

As I mentioned above, becoming an IIN health coach completely changed the trajectory of my life. In the past decade of being a health coach, I’ve made and fostered lifelong friendships, created new business connections, changed my health, and helped shape the future of my children’s wellness.

  • Create lifelong friendships
  • Cultivate a foundation of holistic health
  • Grow a business rooted in wellness
  • Create awareness in your body
  • Improve your health
  • Find financial freedom and job flexibility
  • Improve the lives of others

Do you still want to learn more about the HCTP from IIN? I’ve answered some FAQs below and shared some of my past articles about IIN that you might find helpful.

How do you take IIN classes?

As mentioned above, everything is online via the Classroom app so that you can work through the content, lectures, and exams at your own pace. Don’t worry; the exams are all multiple-choice and open-note, so pay attention during the lectures! 😉

How long is the certification process?

There are two options for programs:

  • 6-month intensive certification
  • 12-month certification

Your course length could vary depending on which one you choose. Keep in mind that you will need to complete client trials as part of your coursework, but that is a really fun and interactive part of earning your certification.

Plus, once you’ve completed half of your certification, you can begin seeing clients! I was able to pay off my entire IIN tuition cost before graduation, and I’m confident that you can do the same, too.

How can I save on my IIN tuition?

You’re in luck! As a decade-long alumnus, I’ve partnered with the school to bring you an exclusive IIN discount code that can help you save up to 45% on your tuition.

To save, use code CARLEYSCHWEET during online enrollment or mention my name while chatting with admissions. It’s that simple! And yes, this code works for any IIN program, not just the Health Coach Training Program.

Does IIN help me start my business?

You bet! As a student at IIN, you’ll not only study health, wellness, and nutrition but also learn best practices for starting your own coaching or health and wellness business. After completing the certification program, I felt that I had a solid understanding of how to launch my coaching business.

Will I become healthier through this program?

I can’t speak for everyone, but personally, the program changed my entire life. I finally healed my relationships with food, understood where my cravings came from, learned how to really honor my body, and then, in turn, helped others to do the same.

Final thoughts on becoming an IIN health coach

No matter when you choose to start your IIN health coaching journey, know that your work will make a positive impact and change the world. I’m so excited for what the future has in store for you!

PS: Don’t forget that you can use my IIN discount code CARLEYSCHWEET to save up to 45% on your enrollment either online or via phone.

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